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    A World Beyond / So We Are Told
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    They kept saying that Shao Taotao had no sisterly love and that Qiao Xuan looked down on them…

    Shao Meiling and Shao Xiaozhi looked aggrieved on the side.

    Fang and Xu were still busy in the kitchen, and Shao Taotao went to help with the cooking. Shao Yunduan and others were younger generations, and it was not appropriate to interrupt while frowning.

    Uncle Shao and Uncle Shao had a solemn expression and were standing up for their own people.

    Uncle Shao looked embarrassed, repeatedly apologizing and speaking kind words, even looking at Qiao Xuan several times, hinting for her to take the initiative to apologize.

    After all, Qiao Xuan was their daughter-in-law, and as the father-in-law, it was not appropriate to directly lecture her. Moreover, Qiao Xuan was a new daughter-in-law who had just entered the family, so she had to give her some face.

    Qiao Xuan understood, but pretended not to see it.

    She felt a little frustrated and conflicted.

    Dealing with such a father-in-law was really exhausting.

    Uncle Shao felt extremely disappointed and sighed silently.

    He thought that this young daughter-in-law was probably not good. Even if she didn’t have the ability to see through things, she should at least hear them, right? How could she look down on her sister-in-law and challenge her elders without feeling ashamed and apologizing?

    What was the reason for this?

    Uncle Shao said, “Big brother, you have to manage it properly. It’s not reasonable to be so stubborn, right? We are a family!”

    Shao Liulang had wanted to speak a long time ago, and at this moment, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Uncle, maybe you should ask the fifth brother? The saint said ‘cultivate oneself, regulate one’s family, govern the state, and make the whole world peaceful’. If the fifth brother can’t even manage his own wife properly, what’s the point of reading so many books?”

    While Shao Liulang was speaking, he couldn’t help but sneak a quick glance at Qiao Xuan, fiercely cursing his misfortune in his heart.

    Why wasn’t it him? Why wasn’t it him!

    If he had married the county magistrate’s daughter, wouldn’t he have a bright future! That cunning fifth brother always selfishly kept all the good things to himself. He never thought about him. If he had gone out with him that day, who knows who would have become his newlywed wife…

    If he had married the county magistrate’s daughter, what kind of person should he marry to surpass him?

    Uncle Shao didn’t understand the refined words of Shao Liulang, but it didn’t prevent him from showing a look of admiration. At the same time, he thought, yes, as a father-in-law, he couldn’t directly teach his daughter-in-law, but he could discipline his son.

    Uncle Shao looked at Shao Yunduan and said unhappily, “Your sixth brother is right, Yunduan. Our family doesn’t condone causing trouble. Shouldn’t we have harmony in the family? Quickly apologize to your second and third aunts! Both Taotao and Qingyahou have sisters, so Meiling, Xiaozhi, and Juanyahou should have them too. That’s fair!”

    Juanyahou was Shao Juan, the daughter of Shao Erlang and Zhang.

    Qiao Xuan looked at Shao Yunduan.

    Shao Yunduan nodded at his father, and secretly comforted Qiao Xuan with his eyes. He gently said, “Qiao, my father wants to know what happened today. Why don’t you tell us?”

    Qiao Xuan felt like she was becoming a broken record, but she still explained the situation again.

    “At the time, my mother and Taotao were both present, so why don’t we have them come and testify? Otherwise, I can’t bear this big accusation!”

    “My mother also said that when Big Sister-in-law and Second Sister-in-law entered the house, they didn’t demand to receive gifts from everyone. Why should they treat me differently? Are Second Uncle and Second Aunt, Third Uncle and Third Aunt looking down on me, bullying me, or deliberately targeting me?”

    ✧˚·̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥·̩̩̥͙✧·̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥˚·̩̩̥͙✧ 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓉𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓈 ✧˚·̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥·̩̩̥͙✧·̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥˚·̩̩̥͙✧


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